Thursday, June 9, 2011

Charlie Sheen...

 My name is Rachel Pitts and I'm so stinkin good at sports... NOT!!!  From the time I was just a little tyke, me and sports have not been friends.  It all started out when I was just a wee lass in t-ball.  I could never hit that dang stationary ball, so I would hit the tee with all my strength to watch the ball roll a good two feet away.   Not only that, but one time on my way to 1st base, I ran to the other teams 3rd.  The crowd hollered and screamed but in my head I thought "They love me...I am a champion!" After a few years of recovery I thought I would take my chance again with sports.  I joined a Jr. Jazz team and was sorely disappointed at the end of the season to admit I had never made a basket.  Never, not even in practice:)  My head is a ball magnet, my hands might as well be covered in Crisco every time I try to catch a ball, and when the pressure's on, I run slower than molasses.  I thought I was done forever but as always, sports made its way back into my life!  For the last several weeks I have been on a kickball intramural team.  Our name is Charlie Sheen and and we basically rock!!!  My team is amazing at kick ball, and I am amazing at screaming really loud, sending my teammates home with my easy to catch fly balls, giving high fives, acting like a spaz, and stretching before the game.  We just got eliminated from the elite 8 in finals tonight and although I don't think I contributed a whole lot, I had the time of my life attempting. 
My team doing Charlie Sheen faces
me lookin like a champ.  I was a rockin catcher but I'm pretty sure I looked this confused the majority of the time
told you I was a good stretcher

Why Charlie Sheen you ask?  Watch 2 minutes of this and you'll know!  
                                                                                                              ...I was inspired too:):):)