Monday, January 24, 2011

Hello my Name is Rachel Pitts

So the other night I went on a date with an old friend.  Don't know if we'll go out again, but he truly motivated me.  We talked about life and he spoke all of his dreams and aspirations.  He wants to travel and backpack in Europe, meet all sorts of people, star in plays or movies and the list went on and on.  I envied the fact that he knew just what he wanted in life, and was doing what it took to get there.  At that very moment he turned to me and said "Who are you?"  "What do you like?"  "What are your dreams?"  I sat there in silence... nothing.  I honestly couldn't describe who I was or who I even wanted to be.  I felt like Derek Zoolander staring at my reflection in a puddle, "Who am I?" "I don't know."  Ha ha to be honest, it was a really scary moment.  I'm 24 years old and I don't know what makes me tick.  I recently got out of a somewhat difficult relationship to say the least and as I now look back, I can see how unhealthy it was for me.  I lost my identity in a lot of ways.  I don't think I completely conformed to his ways, but I became lazy and comfortable- which isn't always such a good thing.  laying on a couch watching movies every night probably wasn't the best contributor either:)  Either way, my mission is to discover who this Rachel Pitts girl really is and I thought a blog would be the best way to do it.  I may not be able to post much because school is really kicking my butt right now but I'm excited for the time I can put into my little self discovery!


  1. you're a 'rae' of sunshine...that's what you are. don't ever forget that.

    i love you, sister.

  2. I always thought Rachel (ok..Sister) Pitts was someone very special with a very strong inner life force and a great future :)
